Monday, September 22, 2014

Ebola! The Next Pandemic?

Ebola! The Next Pandemic?
Pretty scary stuff we are reading about these days. What concerns many of us is that we are too often not told the truth. We have learned from sad experience that the media (news reporting agencies) and the marketers (those trying to sell products) are more motivated to manipulate our behavior than give us honesty and truth. As a result, many of us have become skeptical, suspicious and cautious of what we are being told.
And so it is with this latest outbreak of the contagious disease - Ebola. 

Firstly, I tend not to trust what the American Media is telling us, especially in the face of what is being reported overseas. We are not being told about the US bioweapons lab that has been kicked out of Sierra Leon who was working with Ebola. We are not being told about the research suggesting that this strain of Ebola is different from the one that first surfaced in 1976. We are not being told of documented cases contracted without direct contact - meaning that it was and can be spread through the air. And it is not being discussed what we (as individuals and families) can do to prevent or avoid exposure. No mention in the popular media of doing ANYTHING to prevent or prepare.  [Don’t want the populace to get all riled up - just keep telling them they are comfortable and safe].

The truth is, it is difficult to know when we are being told the truth or when we are being manipulated with half truths or outright misinformation. Most people are simply too busy to bother with “all of the negative news”. Wars, financial crises, fires, immigration debates, terrorism (terrorism was just in 2001 right?) - It is all so negative. We’ve got kids to get ready to get back in school, family reunions, parties and social gatherings, skiing on the lake, hiking in the woods, training for the next race, etc. Nope, no time for negative stuff.
Now I am not suggesting that THIS IS IT. That this Ebola outbreak will spread to become the next worldwide pandemic - the last being the 1918 Spanish Flu, which killed millions (that was with a 2.5% death rate). However, real or not, I believe this is an opportunity for us to discuss and prepare for the WHAT IF.
First, understand that prevention is far better than grappling for a cure. This Ebola virus is scary and can kill up to 90% of those infected. Your number one strategy for this and any other contagious disease is referred to as social distancing. Honestly, nothing else has proven effective. This can range from wearing a protective mask and keeping your distance to walking into your house, closing the door, and not come out for 90 days (and not let anyone or anything else in). Period.
Wow, that is kind of harsh. However, if a potentially deadly contagious disease becomes widespread, you need to prepare and have the ability to exercise every option. If you do not have the personal resources to take care of yourself, you risk exposure.
As a natural health care practitioner, I hear a lot of talk (and read A LOT) about peoples natural remedies. Understand, that there is not one remedy that will cure-it-all. We must understand the nature of the enemy (the disease). In the case of Ebola - it is a virus. Medicine does not have an effect drug or treatment for viral illnesses. Generally, the goal with viral infections is to keep the person alive long enough for their own immune system to finally kill the virus.
Here is what Ebola does that is fatal: It gobbles up all Vitamin C in the body. No one actually knows the exact mechanism involved in how this is done, but that is what is observed. Scientists know that vitamin C drops to zero and all the symptoms of Ebola are consistent with a complete loss of Vitamin C.

"The very first symptoms of Ebola are exactly the same as scurvy, which is caused by inadequate Vitamin C. With the absence of Vitamin C, blood vessels become very weak and start to leak losing blood. Ebola causes massive internal bleeding, loss of blood, and shock resulting in death (up to 90% of the time). This 90% number that is often thrown around represents the most impoverished, malnourished populations.  The range is actually between 25% to 90% depending on the level of health of the population base exposed.  This is a pretty convincing argument to be well nourished and healthy. I would rather face a 75% chance of surviving than 10%.  Some researchers suggest Ebola can be stopped simply by taking enormous doses of Vitamin C until the immune system succeeds in killing off the virus."
Characteristic skin lesions or sores develop, which are actually multiple tiny areas of bleeding into the skin that surround the hair follicles. With Ebola virus and other viral hemorrhagic fevers, the disease tends to reach epidemic proportions in areas where Vitamin C deficiency and malnutrition are more prevalent, such as some of the African countries (or possibly to those of us whose diet are less than nourishing). Because of this, it would make sense to ensure that you are getting plenty of Vitamin C and are eating a diet that promotes a healthy immune system. Understand that consuming sweets and sugar will compromise a strong immune response.

When treating for an infectious disease (Ebola or just the common flu), Vitamin C is taken to bowel tolerance. Plainly put, this mean that you keep taking vitamin C until you get the runs (diarrhea). This signal from the body tells you that you have got enough. When I was in school in the early 1980’s, studying the work of Linus Pauling (winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1954), I decided to put this to the test. I wanted to see how much Vitamin C I could take in a day for the flu I had contracted. 75,000mg (that’s 75grams) of Vitamin C before I reached toleration.

Understand that there have been no published trials or studies with Ebola or hemorrhagic fever and Vitamin C. It has been suggested that a disease of this nature and intensity could require as much as 500 grams (that’s 500,000 mg of Vitamin C - classically used as Ascorbic Acid) per day to reach bowel tolerance. Again, there is no cure for Ebola. The goal of any and all treatment strategies is to support the person by keeping them alive long enough for their own body’s immune system to win the raging war against the virulent infection.
The sicker a patient is, the more ascorbic acid will be tolerated by mouth before diarrhea results. This is what is meant by bowel tolerance. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is taken to support the immune system in a degree that will give the body as much vitamin C as it can use.  Depending on the individual symptoms, you can determine how many doses of vitamin C will be taken.  I generally suggest 5 grams (5,000 mg) per dose.  So if the goal for the day is 30 grams that would be given in six - 5 gram doses. A dose can be taken as 1 teaspoon of ascorbic acid crystals (or the vitamin C equivalent of 5 grams) in ½ cup of water or juice. The goal is to take enough vitamin C to be just short of bowel tolerance. Once bowel tolerance is reached, back off a bit. Continue with intensive Vitamin C doses until symptoms are completely gone. I would continue taking it in lower doses until you are completely “out of the woods“.
The following chart can give you an estimation of the number of doses to divide amount of vitamin C in.
                     GRAMS ASCORBIC ACID     NUMBER OF DOSES      
CONDITION               PER 24 HOURS        PER 24 HOURS 
normal                       4 -  15              4 -  6 
mild cold                   30 -  60              6 - 10 
severe cold                 60 - 100+             8 - 15 
influenza                  100 - 150              8 - 20 
ECHO, coxsackievirus       100 - 150              8 - 20 
mononucleosis              150 - 200+            12 - 25 
viral pneumonia            100 - 200+            12 - 25 
hayfever, asthma            15 -  50              4 -  8 
allergy: food - Environment  1 -  50              4 -  8 
burn, injury, surgery       25 - 150+             6 - 20 
anxiety, stress & exercise  15 -  25              4 -  6 
cancer                      15 - 100              4 - 15 
ankylosing spondylitis      15 - 100              4 - 15 
rheumatoid arthritis        15 - 100              4 - 15 
bacterial infections        30 - 200+            10 - 25 
infectious hepatitis        30 - 100              6 - 15 
candidiasis                 15 - 200+             6 - 25
Many in the natural healing arena suggest their favorite remedies as being the cure for practically everything. Whether it be essential oils, colloidal silver, oregano oil, herbal remedies, or whatever, I suggest having some Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate or sodium ascorbate) on hand. I would suggest getting plenty as it can be stored for a very long time and is relatively inexpensive.  You can purchase ascorbic acid crystals (and just about everything else under the sun) from sources such as
The rule at our house is that when anyone gets sick, EVERYONE takes the medicine (that’s herbal medicine). By following the bowel tolerance method, you can also get an indication of the body’s level of health.  You can test or dose someone to the point of bowel tolerance.  If someone can all of a sudden take 50 grams of vitamin C, then something may be up.
In the case of Ebola - there is a 2 to 21 day incubation period (most often 4-9 days). This means that a person can be infected with Ebola and actively spreading the disease BEFORE they ever have a symptom.
While medical reporters in the United States continue to assure us that infection can only occur from direct person-to-person contact there are several published studies that suggest this virus has been spread from aerosol droplets (a sneeze or cough). The Public Health Agency of Canada warns of this on their website.
In preventing and treating conditions with so many unknowns, I recommend using several approaches simultaneously. Take your herbal remedies to boost and strengthen the immune system. Use your silver and essential oils. But also consider Vitamin C. For more information on natural remedies to strengthen your immune system see my Blog article on Influenza.
Is Ebola going to become the next worldwide pandemic. No one really knows. However, epidemiologist assure us that something is coming – if not now, then sometime in our future. Discussions of such dire events and illnesses are not pleasant, but it is far better to be prepared than hoping we will always be immune from disaster. Being prepared as best you can “just in case” is prudent advice that perhaps can give a little peace of mind.
Dr. Kyle Christensen
August 19, 2014

Pondering The Words of the Prophet

The Words of the Prophet
Hello friends and neighbors. I thought I would share some thoughts on our recent message from the prophet (September 2014 - Message from the First Presidency).
         The message from the First Presidency this month is titled " Are We Prepared? ". In the words of the Prophet, "We live in turbulent times." This is the message the Lord wants shared by Home Teachers to every member of the Church throughout the world. That alone is significant!

         When I first began reading his cute little story about the service project at the chicken farm, I was tempted to skim through it without giving it much thought. Then I recalled President Clare telling us that President Monson does not just tell cute stories, but like the Savior speaks in parables.

         After pondering this for a few weeks it finally became clear what he meant in his story at the beginning of his message. For those that read his message, "Are we Prepared?", President Monson begins with an odd story about a chicken ranch. Like me, your initial read may have regarded this as a story of a sentimental memory that vaguely had something to do with the Church farms. However this is a parable with deep significance.

         The key to understanding the parable - which has to do with getting us prepared -- is to realize that the members of the Church are the chickens and the workers are the general Church leadership - especially the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve.
         Here's his story:
"In the vicinity where I once lived and served, the Church operated a poultry project, staffed primarily by volunteers from the local wards. Most of the time it was an efficiently operated project, supplying to the bishops' storehouse thousands of fresh eggs and hundreds of pounds of dressed poultry. On a few occasions, however, being volunteer city farmers meant not only blisters on the hands but also frustration of heart and mind.
"For instance, I shall ever remember the time we gathered the Aaronic Priesthood young men to give the project a spring-cleaning. Our enthusiastic and energetic throng assembled at the project and in a speedy fashion uprooted, gathered, and burned large quantities of weeds and debris. By the light of the glowing bonfires, we ate hot dogs and congratulated ourselves on a job well done.
"However, there was just one disastrous problem. The noise and the fires so disturbed the fragile population of 5,000 laying hens that most of them went into a sudden molt and ceased laying. Thereafter we tolerated a few weeds so that we might produce more eggs."

         He then goes on with his message, which is, in my own words:
1) Don't assume the Church has food for you; they have been telling you to get your own supply. Like the chickens who went into a molt - supplies may run dry suddenly due to bumps or hiccups in the economy.
2) You need more than food; you need clothing and the "other necessities of life,"
3) He chides the members who have not done so, but instead "have a supply of debt and are food-free," and
4) Counsels us to set aside money and get out of debt "as quickly as you can."

         Perhaps President Monson is trying to tell us that he is caught between the need to warn us about preparing for the future, and the sensitivity of the saints to be alarmed that something bad is on the horizon. He could use words of "destruction and fire," but that would be counterproductive; the "fragile population" of members would stop living their lives in a productive, one-egg-a-day kind of way. Once some chickens get it into their minds that the sky is falling, their lives will become unbalanced and fearful.

         So instead of telling us WHY we need to prepare, he tells us HOW we need to be prepared. And those that believe he's a true prophet, will just have the faith and prepare regardless of the details. Kind of like, "He who has ears to hear", will hear or feel the importance of the words.
          President Monson said that it would be best for "every family in the Church to have a supply of food, clothing, and, where possible, other necessities of life." In reading an old talk by President Benson, I found this exact quote. Exactly. Even the four commas are in the same deliberate places. However, there is one change: President Benson said that where possible, we should have fuel. Our current prophet expanded this to not just include fuel, but recognized that there are other "necessities of life" for which we must have on hand. Some of these things we can easily identify. But some of these "necessities" require us to know "WHY" and for what we are preparing for. For this, I believe you must either use the Spirit of revelation promised to guide you, or the accounts of other inspired individuals whose words don't risk causing the membership of the Church to go into a sudden molt.

         When something is mentioned in all the cannons of scripture, I believe it is not just a coincidence, but has an intended extra measure of significance. In the Bible, The Book of Mormon and several times in the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord has told us that He wants to gather us to safety, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wing.  
But in all three accounts, He laments that there are those that simply "would not." We need to listen to the Lords mouthpiece -- the Prophet -- and prepare, so that when the call from danger is declared to the Church, we will be ready. In the First Presidency Message before this month's, we were reminded of the law of the harvest; we reap what we sow ... nothing more.

         As many of you know, the Christensen's have felt strongly prompted to prepare for coming calamities. Like many others in our ward, we were very specifically told by the Spirit to leave homes in other parts of the country and directed to relocated exactly where we are today. I'm convinced that we truly are in the days of tribulation prophesied in the scriptures. Whether we live to witness the Second Coming, in our lifetimes, is yet to been seen, but I hold this as very possible. I even believe we may see miracles that even surpass those witnessed by the Children of Israel when they were called to gather and leave Egypt. But before Christ returns, there will be serious calamities for which we must prepare.

         President Monson's closing words are these: "Are we obedient to the commandments of God? Are we responsive to the teachings of prophets? ... We live in turbulent times. Often the future is unknown; therefore, it
behooves us to prepare for uncertainties."

         Notice he didn't say "The future is unknown, therefore ..." If anyone has had the future revealed to them-- and many have -- he has! And then he closes with this interesting and ominous warning: "When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past."
Notice again that he didn't say, "When the time for calamity arrives, the time for preparation is past." This is what we would expect would be said. But he used the word "decision." "When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past." This is because, I suspect, there will be a decision for each of us to make. When the time for the decision arrives, all our preparation must be pre-accomplished. 

         These are just my impressions. I encourage each of us to seek the promptings of the Spirit to confirm the validity and timeliness of our prophets' message and what it means to you and your family's life. Please act on any impressions! And please feel free to share this with others you know.


Brother Kyle Christensen
September 22, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014


This is NOT Candy, It’s Chocolate!

Mint Nib Chip – April 1, 2014 (And I’m no fool for making this!)
1 cup Cacao powder – roasted – Mountain Rose herbs. (It is pronounced Ka-Cow)
3 TBS – Cacao nibs – roasted - Mountain Rose herbs
½ scant cup raw honey –make sure honey has not crystalize but free flowing – you may need to warm it up.
1 TBS Maca powder - Mountain Rose herbs (optional – but tastes good and great for your adrenal glands)
½  cup Cacao butter – melted - Mountain Rose herbs
10-12 drops – peppermint essential oil – Butterfly Express

Stir until thoroughly mixed
Spoon into bite-size chocolate molds or smooth on to parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  Chill.  Remove from molds or cut into squares or bars.

OPTIONS:  - you may replace peppermint with any of the following:
·      1/2 tsp – Cinnamon powder – Mountain Rose Herbs
·      1/2 tsp chipotle or cayenne powder
·      1 tsp coarse ground sea salt
·      1/2 tsp orange essential oil
·      1/2 tsp vanilla extract (not essential oil)

Cacao Cinnamon Bar
1/2 cup Cacao powder – roasted – Mountain Rose herbs
1 heaping TBS – Cacao nibs – roasted - Mountain Rose herbs
1/4  cup raw honey –make sure honey has not crystalize but free flowing – you may need to warm it up.
1 tsp Maca powder - Mountain Rose herbs (optional – but tastes good and great for your adrenal glands)
1/4 cup Cacao butter – melted - Mountain Rose herbs
¼ tsp – Cinnamon powder – Mountain Rose Herbs

Stir until thoroughly mixed
Spoon into bite-size chocolate molds or smooth on to parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  Chill.  Remove from molds or cut into squares or bars.
OPTIONS: You may replace cinnamon with any of the following
·      6-8 drops peppermint essential oil
·      1/4 tsp chipotle or cayenne powder
·      ¼ - 1/2 tsp coarse ground sea salt
·      1/4 tsp orange essential oil
·      1/4 tsp vanilla extract (not essential oil)

3 bar-size Cacao Bar – Makes 3 Dark Chocolate Bars (2” x 4”)
1/4 cup Cacao powder – roasted – Mountain Rose herbs
2 tsp – Cacao nibs – roasted - Mountain Rose herbs (this can be optional)
2 TBS  cup raw honey –make sure honey has not crystalize but free flowing – you may need to warm it up.
2 TBS Cacao butter – melted - Mountain Rose herbs
Add optional ingredient(s)

Stir until thoroughly mixed
Spoon into bite-size chocolate molds or smooth on to parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  Chill.  Remove from molds or cut into squares or bars.

·      1/2 tsp Maca powder - Mountain Rose herbs (optional – but tastes good and great for your adrenal glands)
·      1/8 tsp – Cinnamon powder – Mountain Rose Herbs
·      3-4 drops peppermint essential oil
·      1/8 tsp chipotle or cayenne powder
·      ¼ tsp coarse ground sea salt
·      1/8 tsp orange essential oil
·      1/8 tsp vanilla extract (not essential oil)